Binte Biluhuta Gorontalo

Binte Biluhuta Gorontalo

2 bonggol jagung manis, cuci bersih lalu sisir/pipil
1500 ml air
1 cm jahe, memarkan
8 siung bawang merah, iris tipis
20 buah cabe rawit, iris kasar
6 buah cabe merah keriting, iris kasar
250 gr udang kupas
2 sdt garam
1 sdt gula pasir
2 buah jeruk nipis, peras airnya
100 gr kelapa setengah tua, ambil putihnya saja lalu parut kasar
1 buah tomat, iris kasar
2 batang daun bawang, potong 1 cm
3 tangkai daun kemangi, diambil daunnya
1 ekor ikan cakalang/tongkol, bakar lalu suwir-suwir dagingnya

Cara Membuat:
* rebus jagung pipil, air, jahe, bawang merah, cabe rawit dan cabe merah keriting, rebus hingga jagung empuk.
* masukkan udang, aduk rata, masukkan juga garam, gula pasir dan air jeruk nipis.
* setelah mendidih lagi masukkan kelapa parut, tomat dan daun bawang.
* terakhir sebelum diangkat masukkan daun kemangi dan ikan suwir.
* siap untuk disajikan.


  1. Good morning Mei Luki,

    I have discovered some of the beautiful images of Indonesian dishes you have available on your website.

    My organisation, Esri Indonesia marketing teams are currently creating a guide to some great Indonesian culinary dishes.

    We would love the opportunity to use the image on your website in the guide we are creating and wondered if you would be happy to give us permission to use the image of Binte Biluhuta in the guide.

    We would be happy to send you the guide (it will be created online), once it has been finalised. I look forward to your response by 20 March 2016.

    Thank you very much for your time.

    Kind regards,



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